To rid myself of any white sugar temptation, I brought the lovely organic madeleines I had at home to work today and distributed them around the office. Hope the free sugar does not result in any bad kharma. They were organic, bio as we say here in France.

Day 2 of the 30 Day Raw Extravaganza went off without a hitch. Banana and Kusmi tea for breakfast, asparagus with mock salmon paté and a red cabbage-mesclun-pignoli salad for lunch. Pear for a mid-afternoon snack.
Dinner was delicious - zucchini angel hair pasta with marinara sauce. The two pictures on the left are the zucchini angel hair pre-sauce, and with the deliciously chunky sauce.
Dessert was strawberries with almond cream. Yum!
Off to upload Episode 3 commentary to Facebook -
Gossip Girl Commentary: XOXO by T & S If you watch Gossip Girl, check out the group!
À demain!
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