Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Consciousness and the restaurant

Occasionally a vision jumps into my head of me sitting in a restaurant with friends or family and ordering a meal off a menu that someone else has purchased ingredients for, prepared, and served to me. This vision is accompanied with a warm feeling of comfort. A comfort that comes from being taken care of by someone else.

When we eat out, we trust that the restaurant is offering us food that will benefit our bodies. And in response to this trust, we turn off our brains. Eating out is enjoyable in part because we allow ourselves to turn our brains off and eat without consciousness -- consciousness of where the food came from, how it was prepared, what it's nutritional value is etc. In part, the comfort of eating out comes from the comfort of not having to think.

On a raw food diet (and sometimes on a vegan diet) eating out is no longer a comfortable experience. One, most menus do not offer more than one raw option. And two, eating together is a communal experience and I am always concerned that my eating companion will be uncomfortable with my side salad or plate of crudités in comparison to their appetizer, main dish and dessert. As a result, unless it is a raw or vegan restaurant, I no longer eat out with friends. So what else is there to do? you may ask. Good question! It has been fun finding other social activities to invite friends to that do not involve eating.

But unfortunately, I miss that comfort that comes from turning off my thoughts and just indulging. I am ashamed to admit that because one of the reasons I strive to live a vegan raw lifestyle is because I want to live consciously. But there is something relaxing about not being conscious... perhaps with time I will find that same sense of relaxation and comfort in this choice as well.

1 comment:

  1. i finally find someone who goes through what i go through !
    this is so comforting ! i live in paris as well, and i find myself not eating in restaurants with friends because the food is not organic and fresh. or i get a salad. i've come too far to go back.
