Monday, June 14, 2010

Bio Panier: organic local goodness delivered!

France has a proud agrarian culture that is reflected in the outdoor markets, at the food and wine expos, and in the focus and respect for  local cuisine and artisanal products.

To protect its agrarian heritage, and to maintain its culinary and vegetation diversity, there is a growing focus on promoting organic and local food production. This promotion meshes well with increasing demand from consumers for better health and to know where their food comes from.

As consumers, each time we spend our money, we vote for the type of economy and world order we wish to have. It may sound dramatic, but it is the truth! Buying locally produced organic sustenance is a vote against the industrial, monoculture agriculture that is stripping natural resources from the planet and our health, and a vote to support your neighbor workers and the ecosystem that surrounds you.

I recently discovered the Bio Culture site that delivers organic fruits and veggies from France and Europe at a reasonable cost every Wednesday to my local wine store. In the above picture Serafina is checking out the goods. Each week I am informed as to where my produce comes from, and what stage of the harvest we are in. I swear there is something about having this knowledge that makes the food taste better! There are many different bio (organic) delivery or local produce sites in France (see the list below for delivery sites around Paris), and around the world. If you live in the United States, check out Farm Fresh for a list of local farms and what produce is in season near you.

Paniers Bio


  1. Oh Tara, I so miss the different options available for weekly delivery of organic produce in Paris!!!! (and affordable!!!) -- here in Vancouver, only one option, and it's overpriced. Anyway, if anyone is in Vancouver, it's called: (and there is also for a couple of cities in the US).

  2. Hi J! Did you have a favorite organic or local produce delivery that you used in Paris?
    Thanks for the Vancouver info. I am surprised there is only one option... do you have the space to grow your own?

  3. Hi back to you,
    I just looked up your blog again, because I finally found lots of options are available here in Vancouver as well: just takes a while (at least for me) to find out about them. Just like in Paris, where the info about food co-ops is really hard to find, and it's hard to get a space in one (I never managed to become a member in Paris). -- Anyway, here loads of "community supported agriculture or CSA" are available, am just bookmarking lots of websites, need to do the proper research later.
    In Paris I used Campanier, mainly because I had a pick-up in Meudon that was very convenient for me -- and the quantity worked out really well for the two of us as well.
